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Scarborough...medium to...high!

A cheery hello to all my readers

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend, especially my friends in the U.K. who have been struggling to cope with our extremely cold week of snow, wind and freezing conditions. Did you all stay safe and warm and off the roads??? Having a rear-wheel drive car can be a disadvantage in this weather, therefore I hitched a lift into work each day (and home again) with a colleague!!

Last weekend I was away on a spiritual/mediumship residential workshop at Scarborough. To say that I had an amazing weekend would be an understatement. New friends for life made…what a fantastic and talented crowd of ladies. We’re all doing it again in November at the same venue and we are so excited for that!!! One shouldn’t wish time away but…roll on November!!

After feeling such an anti-climax after returning home last Sunday, it was nice midweek to find the rankings for my books on Amazon had shot up…see pics.

Let’s hope this weather is now going to improve…and keep improving. I want summer!!! NOW!!!

Take care, stay safe,

Much love

Eva xxx.

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