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Hello to you all

May I take this first opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year for 2019!

It is my intention this year to make things happen for me. I want to find happiness, to follow my dreams, find time to do more writing (both novels and poems) to stay positive…and live my life for ME!! A life without negativity!

Chase your dreams, whatever they may be, even if they may seem impossible at times. Take a risk if need be! Who knows what you may achieve!

Look after yourself. Improve your health. Get your five a day, stop smoking, cut down on the alcohol, get out into the fresh air. You might find you enjoy it!

Be nice to people. After all, it costs nothing to be kind.

Try to do something positive EVERY day, no matter how small.

Improve yourself – sign up for a course or make an effort to read more. Learn a new word every day and use it in conversation. Open an atlas for five minutes a day, learn more about the world we live in.

Be more aware of and help to improve the environment…for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

If it makes you unhappy, fix it if it’s worth the effort. If not…walk away from it.

Steer clear of negative people as they are a drain on your precious energies.

Don’t dwell on what has gone before… you can’t change it…it’s over and done with…time to let it go!

Be YOU! Stay SAFE! Promote HEALTHY! Be HAPPY!!!

My love to you all

Eva xxx

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